Tickets and subscriptions
Subscription sales 2025-2026
When do season tickets and single tickets sales for season 2025-2026 start?
From Thursday 20.02.2025 (Friends from 18.02.2025)
- Renew or change existing subscriptions to series with and without place retention. Place retention applies until 10 March 2025.
- Booking of new season tickets.
Single tickets go on sale in phases:
- Special concerts and concerts with international guest orchestras
- Friends: 18.02.2025
- Subscribers: 20.02.2025
- General: 27.02.2025
- Concerts within fixed series
- Friends: 06.05.2025
- General: 08.05.2025
I have a voucher. Can I use it for my subscription in season 2025-2026?
Your voucher is valid for 1 year (365 days) from issue date and can be used to purchase tickets or subscriptions for all Antwerp Symphony Orchestra concerts in Antwerp, including the international orchestras that are guests of Antwerp Symphony in Antwerp.
The voucher can be redeemed online via or at the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra ticket desk.
As the voucher is valid for 1 year (365 days), you can also use your voucher to purchase your season ticket for season 2025-2026 or single tickets, on sale from 08.05.2025.
As a subscriber, can I keep my fixed seat?
This is possible for certain subscriptions.
Masterworks, Masterworks A (plus), Masterworks B (plus), Saturday, Sunday morning, Chamber music, Cofena and World Class: you are guaranteed the same fixed seat for all concerts within your subscription + you can keep your seat from the current season.
Thursday Evening, Shuffle, KIDconcerts and Golden Hall: a seat will be proposed on a first come, first served basis and availability. The earlier we receive your order, the more likely you will be allocated your preferred seats. Friends of the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra always get first chance to renew their subscription.
How do I renew or change my subscription online?
Renewals and changes are done from your personal account: so first log in via the button at the top right of the website with the e-mail address and password to which your subscriptions are linked.
How do you log in?
- Click on 'Log in' at the top right.
- Enter the e-mail address you used to order subscriptions and/or tickets in the past.
- Enter your password.
Renew or change
Do you have a subscription to a series with seat retention this season (Masterpieces, Masterpieces A (plus), Masterpieces B (plus), Saturday Afternoon, Chamber Music, Sunday Morning, Cofena and Worldclass)?
We have already prepared your subscription with your current seats in your account under 'Renewals'.
You then have two options:
- You wish to keep your current subscription with the same seats. You just need to renew your seats and confirm your purchase. This is possible from 20.02.2025 to 10.03.2025 (from 18.03.2024 for Friends). Your current seats will only be held until 10.03.2025. If you take no action before that date, your seats will become vacant and you will have to choose new seats.
- You wish to renew your current subscription, but would like different seats. Then click on 'View/change seats' to change your seats to another seat. Until 10.03.2025, you can choose from currently available seats. From 11.03.2025, you can choose from all non-renewed seats. From 27.02.2025, these sets will be available for sale to everyone.
When I want to buy a subscription/ticket I get the message that the series/concert is not on sale yet?
The sale of subscriptions and tickets takes place in different phases. You will find an overview of the different stages at the top of the page.
As a subscriber, can I choose my seat in the Queen Elisabeth Hall?
When making your reservation, you can indicate your preference in which zone you would like to be seated. You can always give a 1st and 2nd preference. The earlier we receive your order, the more likely you will be allocated your preferred seats. You can always choose your own seat online.
From when can I buy single tickets?
Single tickets for season 2025-2026 are on sale from 08.05.2025 via this website or at the ticket desk (on site or by phone). For all concerts with international guest orchestras and special events that are not part of a series, you can already buy single tickets when purchasing a season ticket or from 27.02.2025.
How to buy tickets and subscriptions
You can purchase your tickets from this website. Go to the concert or the subscription of your choice, and klick on the link. For online purchases, the reservation and handling fee is included in the ticket price.
Box office Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Koningin Astridplein 20-26
2018 Antwerp
+32 3 213 54 06
For in-person bookings in our ticket office, you will be charged a € 1.5 booking and handling fee per ticket and a € 3 booking and handling fee per subscription. Does not apply to orders for wheelchair users and people with a disability and preferential social security scheme tickets.
Telephone bookings Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
+32 3 213 54 06
The box office can be reached by phone during the following times: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00.
When booking tickets over the phone, you will be charged a € 1.5 booking and handling fee per ticket and a € 3 booking and handling fee per subscription. Does not apply to orders for wheelchair users and people with a disability and preferential social security scheme tickets.
By e-mail
Contact us by e-mail
- Individual tickets and subscriptions:
For e-mail bookings, you will be charged a € 1.5 booking and handling fee per ticket and a € 3 booking and handling fee per subscription. Does not apply to orders for wheelchair users and people with a disability and preferential social security scheme tickets.
- Group reservations and discounts:
- Schools and colleges:
- Patrons:
- Business seats:
(Evening) box office
The (evening) box office opens an hour before each performance unless otherwise indicated. Reserved tickets must be picked up and paid for 30 minutes before the concert start time at the latest. Tickets not collected by this time will be released.
Individual tickets purchased at our (evening) box office incur a € 1.50 booking and processing fee per ticket. Does not apply to orders for wheelchair users and people with a disability and preferential social security scheme tickets.
Payment methods
All payments are cashless. Use these payment methods:
- Online: Bancontact, credit card (VISA, MasterCard), KBC Online, Belfius Direct Net, iDEAL, Podium Cadeaukaart, Edenred Ticket Sport & Culture, Pluxee Sport & Culture, Pluxee Cadeau and Antwerp Symphony Orchestra voucher (gift voucher/ complimentary voucher).
- At the box (evening) box office: Bancontact, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, UnionPay, Diners/Discover), cash, Podium Cadeaukaart, Payconiq, Edenred Ticket Sport & Culture and Antwerp Symphony Orchestra voucher (gift voucher/complimentary voucher).
When you reserve, you will have the option of selecting print at home tickets (free) or having tickets sent by non-registered post (€ 3 per delivery).
Waiting lists
A sold-out concert isn’t one you necessarily have to miss. Let our box office know that you are interested in the concert and we will contact you if any seats become available. Last-minute tickets also often become available on the evening of the concert itself, so it’s certainly worth dropping by our evening box office.
The Queen Elisabeth Hall is a completely wheelchair-friendly building. Lifts and sloping ramps ensure that everyone can easily reach the concert hall. Moreover, we always strive to provide the best possible assistance for people with disabilities at our concerts.
Are you travelling in a wheelchair?
A number of wheelchair seats are available at each concert. Would you like to reserve one? You can do so by telephone or at the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra ticket desk no later than 1 week before each concert. Reservation is compulsory for these seats. Although we do our best to give everyone a seat, the number of places is limited.
Are you travelling in a wheelchair but would like to sit in a fixed seat during the concert? Then you do not need to reserve a wheelchair space. You can (together with your companion) drive your wheelchair up to your seat (or row) and transfer to your seat. The wheelchair itself must be set up outside by the concert hall entrance door during the concert, and will be retrieved by your companion after the concert. Please notify our venue hosts on arrival if you require assistance with this.