Theater Concert: Pelléas et Mélisande

Clara Cleymans, Rashif El Kaoui, Fabien Gabel
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Sat 15.06.2024 – 20:00
Queen Elisabeth Hall, Antwerpen
Past event
Sat 15.06.24
Past event

The Ghent-born playwright Maurice Maeterlinck is the only Belgian to have won the Nobel Prize for Literature to date. His work has inspired many composers: Debussy, Schönberg and Sibelius, among others, have all set his symbolist play Pelléas et Mélisande to music. The most popular version is Gabriel Fauré’s, who composed a poetic score for this wondrous fairytale about two star-crossed lovers. The actors will bring the fantastical world of Maeterlinck and Fauré to life on the stage of the Queen Elisabeth Hall. A unique performance in which the Antwerp Symphony gives the centuries-old combination of theatre and music a new lease of life.

Performance in Dutch.

Met de steun van de Belgische Tax Shelter en BNP Paribas Fortis Film Finance.


Fauré Pelléas et Mélisande, opus 80
Fauré Après un rêve (arr. voor cello en orkest)
Debussy Pelléas en Mélisande symfonie (arr. Marius Constant)