Ode to Brewaeys

Baldur Brönnimann, Benjamin Beilman
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Sat 08.11.2025 – 20:00
Queen Elisabeth Hall, Antwerpen
From Thu 08.05.25 – 00:10
Sat 08.11.25
From Thu 08.05.25 – 00:10

Ten years after Luc Brewaeys’ passing, conductor Baldur Brönnimann revisits his Seventh Symphony, written for the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra nearly 25 years ago. A unique sound adventure unfolds, highlighting Brewaeys’ mastery of timbre and spectralism. This innovative movement, which he shared with Kaija Saariaho, echoes in her violin concerto Graal théâtre, performed by Benjamin Beilman. The programme links back to Claude Debussy, a spectralist inspiration, whose La mer embodies shimmering brilliance. Brewaeys’ recomposition of Debussy’s Préludes completes the circle.


Debussy Préludes (recomposed for orchestra by Luc Brewaeys; selection)

Saariaho Graal theatre

Brewaeys Symphony No. 7

Debussy La mer

Baldur Brönnimann


Benjamin Beilman
