Club Concert with Soe Nsuki

Marc Albrecht, Simone Lamsma, Soe Nsuki
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Thu 24.10.2024 – 20:30
Queen Elisabeth Hall, Antwerpen
Thu 24.10.24

At the Club Concerts of the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with highlights from classical music, including Strauss' famous Also sprach Zarathustra. The casual evening is skillfully hosted by Antwerp comedian Soe Nsuki, blending high-quality comedy with the musical program. After the concert, head to the atrium for a laid-back afterparty, completing your night of music and comedy!

Met de steun van de Belgische Tax Shelter, Casa Kafka Pictures en de Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in België.


Music by Richard Strauss and Alban Berg