De Muziekboom (6+)

Lars Corijn, Liesbet Vereertbrugghen, Hanne Struyf, Sylvie Robe
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Sat 31.01.2026 - Sun 01.02.2026
Sat 31.01.26
Sun 01.02.26

Séraphine is an ordinary girl who lives in a tree, but when she explores its belly, music emerges! Guided by glowworms, she meets an instrument maker and discovers her love for the violin. This enchanting journey introduces both young and old to the full symphonic orchestra. The narrator leads the way, while the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra performs the magical music of contemporary French composer Nicolas Bacri. (performance in Dutch)


KID concert with Nicolas Bacri's L'arbre à musique ou les aventures de Séraphine (Belgian premiere)