De Fantastische Symfonie (6+)

Izabelė Jankauskaitė, Maria Lamont, Joris Van den Brande
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Sat 14.03.2026 - Sun 15.03.2026
Sat 14.03.26
Sun 15.03.26

Discover the fiery music of French composer Hector Berlioz in this fun KID concert! While the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra plays his Symphonie fantastique, actors bring Hector’s life story to life: how he defied his father to become a composer, his unrequited love for Estelle, and his eventual reconciliation with his dad. Through Berlioz’s powerful music, children can feel the emotions behind his story. Do you feel your heart pounding too? (performance in Dutch)


KIDconcert with music by Hector Berlioz


Izabelė Jankauskaitė


Maria Lamont


Joris Van den Brande
