My Little Prince (6+)

Pascale Van Os, Hanne Struyf, Liesbet Vereertbrugghen, Paul Contryn
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Sat 21.10.2023 - Sun 22.10.2023
Sat 21.10.23
Sun 22.10.23

“All grown-ups were once children ... but only few of them remember it”, says the Author in the world-famous The Little Prince. This superb book, by the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery, has been inspiring generations of children and adults for more than eighty years since it was first published in 1943. The author also created the illustrations for the book, which have become just as famous as the story. The Antwerp Symphony Orchestra will bring this popular book to life to enchanting French music during this family-friendly concert. A fantastical music performance, for children and adults! (in Dutch)


Mijn Kleine Prins (KID Concert with music by Debussy)